Worst Mistakes to Avoid When Buying an Engagement Ring

You can easily get carried away with your feelings, the ambience and the moment when picking wedding or engagement bands from a jewelry store Indianapolis. However, see that you avoid these mistakes at all costs when carrying out your ring hopping expedition.

Don’t go by the three-month rule
Many individuals are under the false belief that you need to save at least three month’s salary on an engagement ring. There is no truth to this at all. A more practical approach is setting a personal budget and sticking to it.

Don’t purchase a ring without looking at it personally
While many people continue to shop for men's wedding bands Indianapolis online, it is better to check out these rings personally first. A diamond’s four Cs rating shows you only a part of the story. Looking at the ring in person gives you an actual idea of how it exactly looks like on your fingers.

Don’t buy a ring if you do not trust the jeweler
Don’t be in such a hurry to make a purchase that you do not pay attention to the trustworthiness of the jeweler. This sense of trust can come from a referral whether from a friend or family member or your own research. Only when you are certain that you can trust the jeweler, go ahead with the purchase of the already designed or custom jewelry  Indianapolis.

Steer clear from these mistakes and you are sure to pick an engagement ring that is well worth your money and time. Petite G Jewelers offer you an extensive range of bridal and jewelry sets. The latest trends and spectacular designs available are sure to enthrall and excite you.


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